Friday, 25 November 2011

Cancer Remedies - Cut Cancer Deaths by 75% in the US and Canada

In 2009 a group of well respected medical researchers published a paper and an open letter. They brought together research that showed that breast and colon cancer deaths (two of the four cancers that cause the most deaths in the western world) could be reduced by three quarters if people increased the vitamin D levels in their blood. This can be done by spending time in the sun along with supplementation that is both a cheap and effective cancer preventive and cancer remedy.

Think of this: three out of four deaths of colon and breast cancer can be prevented or treated by increasing vitamin D to healthier levels. From a public health perspective these are huge figures.

The authors of the paper state that around 3000 research studies have been published in medical journals which show that increased vitamin D decreases cancer deaths. The case has been made.

So why are we not hearing about this in the media, from the public health promotion people, or from our doctors? Whenever a potential anti-cancer drug is found the Australian media make a big hoo-haa over it as if the holy grail had been finally located. But the case of vitamin D is slightly different.

For a start people will get a confused message. Vitamin D is metabolized by the body from the sun and for a generation now people have been marketed the fact that the sun causes cancer, not prevents it.

When I looked at the figures some 1800 people die a year in Australia from skin cancer while some 1800 people die a year in Australia from colon cancer as a result of low vitamin D levels.

Public health promotion marketers like simple messages. Either the sun is good or it is bad and the anti-skin cancer marketers got their message out first that the rays of the sun were bad and caused cancer. This really confuses the whole issue. The skin-cancer fraternity is very worried that if the message is changed to "the sun is good and reduces more cancers and other conditions than it causes" that people will again be silly and go sunbathing and getting burned. Multi-million dollars have been spent getting the negative message about the sun accepted by the general population.

However the thinking person doesn't have to be constrained by the problems of the health marketer. Instead, it is possible to take on the message that some sun is necessary, but don't get burned.

There is one more complication, however. There are some people who spend a lot of time in the sun but whose blood vitamin D levels are still very low. It is not known why this might be. For these people and for those who live in places where there is very low levels of sunlight supplements are needed to raise the vitamin D levels. A conservative supplementation level is set at 2000 IU per day while some doctors suggest that much higher levels are needed to boost the quantity in the blood to more therapeutic levels.

If you don't like taking supplements you can get your doctor to do a blood test to check your levels and monitor them over time. If time in the sun doesn't raise your vitamin D, then you will need supplements. It is both a cancer preventive and a cancer remedy. More than that, it is both a preventive and a remedy for your general health including other conditions such as heart disease, multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Vitamin D is a multipurpose cell enhancing product and you need it - one way or another.

Reference: Garland, CF, et al. Vitamin D for cancer prevention: global perspective. Ann Epidemiol 2009;19:468-483

Dr Harriet Denz-Penhey is an internationally recognized health researcher who has done groundbreaking research into patient self care in serious illness. The web site discusses aspects of natural cancer treatment and remedies for good general health.

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