For anyone who has experienced or witnessed cancer first hand, you know that it is a terrifying experience. Despite the amount of time and research done by medical professionals, a cure for cancer has yet to be discovered. Luckily, studies have proven that many types of cancer can be prevented by simple lifestyle habits. Below are the top 5 lifestyle habits that you can develop in order to reduce your cancer risk:
1. Pay Attention to Your Diet
The most important dietary step that you can take is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. This is because fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect your cells.
Experts suggest limiting the amount of meat that you eat each week and eating plenty of whole grains. Studies have shown that drinking 3 cups of green tea per day significantly reduces women's' risk of developing breast cancer because it contains anti-oxidants that rid your body of dangerous free-radicals.
Additionally, if you make sure to drink plenty of water each day you will reduce your risk of developing cancer. This is because water eliminates toxins from your body. 8 glasses of water per day will effectively lower your cancer risk.
2. Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Weight
Being overweight greatly increases your risk of many types of cancer. You don't have to become a body builder or fitness expert, all you need to do is take part in moderate exercise for 30 minutes per day to significantly reduce your cancer risk (and your weight!) Even if you lead a busy lifestyle, your exercise can be as simple as a brisk 30 minute walk.
3. Limit Risky Behaviour
It is no secret that tobacco use will significantly increase your risk of developing cancer. Exposure to second hand smoke is also dangerous, because even though you aren't smoking a cigarette, you are still exposed to the dangerous chemicals that they contain. Smoking cigarettes has been linked to more than just lung cancer - studies have shown that you can develop kidney, cervix and bladder cancer from them as well.
Many people don't realize that diseases contracted through unprotected sex can also increase your risk of developing cancer. It is best to cut this type of risky behaviour from your life.
Also, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to various cancers such as esophagus, throat, liver, and colon. Doctors recommend that women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer abstain from drinking altogether.
4. Protect Yourself from the Sun
This may seem self-explanatory, as overexposure to the sun has been continuously linked to skin cancer; however since golden tans are considered attractive to most people in Western society, many people disregard the effects that the sun can have.
Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer, but luckily it is very preventable. Just remember to regularly wear sunscreen, avoid tanning beds, and wear light and loose fitting clothing to protect you from the sun's rays.
5. Natural Remedies and Vitamins
There are certain vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies that help to reduce the risk of cancer. For example, higher levels of vitamin D intake have been linked a reduction in the number of cases of cancer. As well, taking selenium supplements have been linked to a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Taking these supplements may be something to consider since many of them are very low cost. Moreover, you may be already taking them in your daily multivitamin without even knowing about it.
If you take cancer prevention into your own hands starting today, you will find that the results will last a lifetime.
Visit Natural Cancer Remedies to discover many natural remedies, vitamins and supplements that are used to prevent and treat cancer around the world.
Find out the much talked about use of Lemon Cancer Treatment and discover if it really works.
Tom Chua is a licensed pharmacist who areas of research interest are in the use of natural remedies and supplements for preventing and treating various health conditions.
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